Papa Noel de mago

45,34 €
Santa as a magician with a flying table. The tree is illuminated, and the train scene rotates to 8 electronic melodies (see item 51013). Volume control. Operating with batteries or adapter (not incl.).Can be ordered separately (A1001/B2001). Measurements: 17x16,5x24 cm. Not suited for continuous operation.

Sólo para decoración, no es un juguete. No apto para niños menores de 3 años.

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Santa as a magician with a flying table. The tree is illuminated, and the train scene rotates to 8 electronic melodies (see item 51013). Volume control. Operating with batteries or adapter (not incl.).Can be ordered separately (A1001/B2001). Measurements: 17x16,5x24 cm. Not suited for continuous operation.

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Papa Noel de mago

45,34 €